Study Notes - Part 1

Warren Budget - Energy Budget Notes

Warren-Alquist Act:

  • Mandates "performance standards" for buildings.

  • Sets an energy budget measured in energy consumption per ft² of floor space.

Calculation Requirements:

  • Involves detailed calculations of estimated energy consumption.

  • Calculations are complex and typically performed using computer software.

Iran Contracting Act (2010) Notes

The Iran Contracting Act of 2010, codified in the Public Contract Code Sections 2200-2208, prohibits vendors engaged in investment activities in Iran from bidding on, submitting proposals for, entering into, or renewing contracts with the State of California valued at $1,000,000 or more.

Vendor Restrictions:

  • Can't bid, submit proposals, enter into, or renew $1,000,000+ contracts if involved in Iran investments

DGS Role:

  • Establish and update ineligible vendors list

Vendor Certification:

  • Must confirm not on ineligible list before bidding or contracting for $1,000,000+

Procurement Methods:

  • Applies to RFPs, IFBs, non-competitive awards, etc.

Buyer Responsibility:

  • Check ineligible vendor list during bid evaluation

Financial Institutions:

  • Must certify no credit to ineligible vendors

California Office of the State Fire Marshal


  • Protect life and property via fire prevention engineering, education, and enforcement

Support to CAL FIRE:

  • Focuses on fire prevention


  • Provides a wide range of fire safety support

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE)


  • Protect over 31 million acres of privately-owned wildlands

  • Provide emergency services in 36 of 58 counties through local government contracts

    Emergency Services:

    • Wildland fires

    • Residential/commercial structure fires

    • Automobile accidents

    • Heart attacks

    • Drownings

    • Lost hikers

    • Hazardous material spills on highways

    • Train wrecks

    • Floods

    • Earthquakes

    Fire Hazard Zones:

    • Required by California law to identify fire hazard severity

    • Zones based on factors: fuel, slope, fire weather

    • Three zones: medium, high, very high

California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE) Notes

  • Responsibilities:

    • Protect over 31 million acres of privately-owned wildlands

    • Provide emergency services in 36 of 58 counties through local government contracts

  • Emergency Services:

    • Wildland fires

    • Residential/commercial structure fires

    • Automobile accidents

    • Heart attacks

    • Drownings

    • Lost hikers

    • Hazardous material spills on highways

    • Train wrecks

    • Floods

    • Earthquakes

  • Fire Hazard Zones:

    • Required by California law to identify fire hazard severity

    • Zones based on factors: fuel, slope, fire weather

    • Three zones: medium, high, very high

California Water Code Notes

  • Scope:

    • Covers state waters: surface, groundwater, wetlands, saline waters

    • Regulates discharge of waste or fill into these waters

California State Water Board

  • Structure:

    • Five-member board

    • Regulates statewide water policies

    • Supports Regional Water Quality Control Boards

  • Responsibilities:

    • Ensure water quality compliance with the Clean Water Act

    • Regulate 211,000 miles of rivers/streams, 1.6 million acres of lakes, bays, and coastlines

    • Manage water quality and control contaminants

Regional Water Quality Control Boards

  • Regional Challenges:

    • Address water issues specific to each biogeographic region

    • Varying needs due to diverse topography, climate, geology, hydrology

  • Regulatory Actions:

    • Set regional water quality standards

    • Develop and enforce regional regulations

  • Regional Areas:

    • North Coast, Central Coast, Sierra Nevada, Central Valley, Southern California Coastal, Desert-Modoc

    • Regulations tailored to specific regional conditions

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA)

  • Passed: 2014

  • Requirements:

    • Local agencies form Groundwater Sustainability Agencies (GSAs)

    • Implement Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs)

  • Purpose:

    • Protect and manage groundwater resources

    • Address water shortages, especially during droughts

Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act

  • Focus:

    • Protects water quality for surface and groundwater

    • Grants regulatory authority to California Water Board and State Water Resources Control Board

    • Aligns state standards with federal regulations

California Wetlands

  • Definition:

    • Area with continuous/recurrent saturation causing anaerobic conditions and hydrophyte-dominated vegetation

    • State definition complements federal WOTUS definition

  • Protection:

    • Adopted state protections in 2019

    • Porter-Cologne Act and additional state/local restrictions safeguard wetlands

California Streams

  • Importance:

    • Source of drinking water for 7.3 million people

    • 66% of streams are temporary (intermittent/ephemeral)

  • Protection:

    • Regulated by California Water Boards

    • Current Water Code and Clean Water Act interpretations cover all streams

    • Focus on perennial streams, with evolving regulations as research progresses

Regional Specifics

  • Regions:

    • North Coast, Chaparral, Sierra Nevada, Central Valley, Southern Coastal, Desert-Modoc

    • Perennial streams mostly in North Coast and Sierra Nevada

    • Temporary streams common in arid areas and mountainous headwaters

    • Regional regulations vary based on local needs and water conditions

How to Find Protected California Waters on Your Project Site

Environmental Consultants

  • Role:

    • Trained to survey sites for environmental impacts

    • Identify potential environmental risks, such as protected waters

    • Recommend necessary permits and compliance steps

  • Process:

    • Manual site surveys

    • Can take weeks or months to complete

Transect Protected Waters Map

  • Technology:

    • Uses machine learning to automate protected water mapping

    • Assesses region using prior precipitation trends and current water data

  • Features:

    • Provides likelihood and confidence level of regulated water on a site

    • Helps in selecting appropriate project locations or buildable areas within a plot

    • Generates site-specific list of required permits for compliance with federal, state, and local laws

  • Efficiency:

    • Produces reports in minutes

    • Expedites the environmental due diligence process

California State Parks Office of Historic Preservation Notes


  • Mission: Administer federal and state historic preservation programs

  • Leadership: Directed by the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the State Historical Resources Commission


  • Historic Property Management:

    • Identify, evaluate, and register historic properties

    • Ensure compliance with federal and state regulations

    • Promote economic incentives for property owners

    • Encourage historic preservation through education, public awareness, and leadership

  • Program Administration:

    • Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program

    • Provide architectural review and technical assistance

Areas of Assistance

  • Architectural and Technical Guidance:

    • Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties

    • California Historical Building Code and ADA provisions for historic properties

    • Design guidelines and preservation incentives

    • Sustainability and adaptive reuse of historic properties

Local Government Assistance

  • Support to City and County Governments:

    • Integrate historic preservation into community planning and development

    • Provide guidance on preservation plans, ordinances, and surveys

    • Develop local designation criteria, historic districts, HPOZs, and conservation districts

    • Create economic incentives and train local commissions

    • Assist with CEQA responsibilities for historical resources

California Main Street Program

  • Initiated: 1985

  • Purpose: Revitalize historic central business districts

  • Administration: Taken over by OHP in 2004 due to Senate Bill 1107

  • Funding: No funds allocated for staff or operations


Time Dependent Valuation (TDV)


California Clean Air Act